Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ahhhh... That feels so much BETTER!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Whimsical Trees with Continuous Flow

Cupcakes for Breakfast Anyone?

I love cake. Any form of cake. I actually love birthday cake the next day for breakfast with a cup of coffee. Not very healthy I know but everyone in awhile you have to just do it because you want to.
I came across this great shop on Etsy http://www.fatdaddybakeshop.etsy.com/ Where I found ALL THAT JAZZBERRY STRAWBERRY CUPCAKE(tm) in a jar. Wow, a cupcake in a jar that you can get in the mail. How great is that. So now my mouth is watering and I would really love one. All of the cupcakes in her store make your mouth water and she has gotten piles of satisfied customers so if you have a sweet tooth yourself swing by her shop and drool to your hearts content. They would also make great birthday gifts for that person who doesn't live close. Wouldn't it be so sweet to open the mail to a wonderful cupcake on your birthday. I know I would love it.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
How could you not have fun eating off this Colorful Fused Plate!

This looks so HOT...Beautiful Fashion Prints

Monday, July 28, 2008
Party Bright Recycled Credit Card Bracelet adds some WOW!

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Whimsical Mermaid that will make you SMILE

Friday, July 25, 2008
Why Was the Chair There?
And to our surprise a mama bird decided it was a great location for her nest
Here are her babies
I believe this is her or maybe it was Dad. They were quite vocal in letting us know we shouldn't have found the nest.
The first thing I thought when we found the nest is "why was the chair there". I can only think it was hung there when we were weed eating the area and we needed it out of the way. Then I thought how come she decided to make the nest there. It is low to the ground and we play in that area all the time. It is quite the beautiful nest and I do suppose the chair seems quite sturdy compared to the trees. I haven't pointed it out to the boys because I don't want them to touch it but I am glad we found it because I totally would have just grabbed the chair and not think twice about whats in it. So, from now on I will always look in chairs hanging from strange places.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
My son has turned into a Troll Doll!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Movie Moments Cuff would be a Fabulous Accessory!

Monday, July 21, 2008
A Virtual Hobby Store and Coffee Shop: Gwynn's Gifts...an Etsy shop that makes me smile.
I am so HAPPY with these Paintings

I decided to try my hand at painting with watercolors and then using a black pen and this is what happened. I really like it and I feel that I just hit my mark. I love the way they turned out and I love using both ink and paint to create. I started small with the green and blue one and then moved up to 8x11 for the pink and orange one. I can't wait to try more colors and shapes.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Snowy Night Cups in Beautiful Blue
and they are available at http://www.amyesther.etsy.com/

The beautiful blue of the glaze is what caught my eye. According to the artist the cups are 3" x 3" and hold 6 to 7 ounces.
"That's just right for two ice cubes and a 3 oz drink...I highly recommend trying a touch of Bailey's Irish Cream in one of them!"
For more beautiful handmade ceramics to drool over please make sure to stop by her Etsy shop.
My Darling Niece in her Polka Dot Dress
Monday, July 14, 2008
Beautiful Spirelli Greeting Card

My mom created this beautiful greeting card with Spirelli String Art. I love all the dimensions she used and the beautiful color combinations. You can find this and others at our shop http://www.gwynnsgifts.com/
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Art Deco Darling Print

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Birthday Party Rocked!
The water war was a blast. The kids and Adults had so much fun and everyone got into it. We filled up over 400 water balloons and they were gone in minutes but it was so worth it. that was one of the kids stashes of water balloons and the cake was decorated by me and my two sons. We went with an underwater theme due to the water war. The kids and I painted on seaweed, octopus, jellyfish, shells and various other things. I think we ate as much frosting as we used on the cake but it turned out delicious. there was only one piece left at the end of the day. I also had scooped ice cream into plastic cups with a spoon the night before and that made the cake and ice cream part so much easier. Everyone just grabbed a cup of ice cream. When all was said and done Cody's 6th b